About myDrive
MyDrive is an Open Source file server, which can be accessed through your browser, similar to how Google Drive works. MyDrive is built using Node.js, React, Express, MongoDb, Amazon S3, Typescript and more.
MyDrive uses AES256 encryption to encrypt files, thumbnails, and sensitive user data. MyDrive also uses modern authentication techniques such as using JWTs as access and refresh tokens. Which puts less strain on the database through a stateless design, while providing an additional layer of security. These tokens are both stored in httpOnly, sameSite, and secure cookies.
MyDrive supports multiple backend databases where you can store file data, and thumbnails (all file info and user accounts are stored in mongoDB). The databases supported are Amazon S3, Filesystem (e.g. the local storage), or just mongoDB (through the grid.fs library).
Users can also add their own personal Amazon S3 account to store their file data. Users also have the option to connect their Google Drive account so they have one place to view all of their files. Google Drive files have the same supported features as normal files, even things such as uploading/downloading and video streaming.
About me
My name is Kyle Hoell. I am a 23 year old junior web developer. I am passionate about all things technology related and I have a love for coding. This project first started off as a project to help teach myself React and Node.js. And also to also teach myself libraries such as Express, JWTs, and more.
The project received more feedback than I initially thought it would. MyDrive has 1.7k stars on Github, and almost 200 forks.
I am currently looking for more freelancing work or a full time job doing software development. Feel free to contact me if you believe I could be a good fit.